The long-term objective of this project is to create a platform that helps people across Europe to support each other in creating commons and regenerating the land.

If you know about people or places that are changing the ways we think about access and property, or if you one of them and you would like to participate in weaving and extending this network, please contact us.
To continue to develop Common Grounds, we are currently looking for financial support. If you would like to make a donation, please send it to the following account with the reference "Support Common Grounds":
IBAN IT65N0538713310000042084109
From the UK: Sort code 04-00-04
Account number 47408862
Thank you for wanting to support Common Grounds!
And if you would like to organize a screening of the documentaries or invite us to present the project, please reach out as well! We are always extremely happy to share our work and meet new people.
COMING SOON: A crowdfunding for the project will be published soon. We are also in the process of creating a non-profit association, which means donations will become tax deductible.
COMING SOON: A crowdfunding for the project will be published soon. We are also in the process of creating a non-profit association, which means donations will become tax deductible.
Thank you for wanting to support Common Grounds!